Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Day

I arrived today in Israel. Thats a nice sentence to put down, especially after all the trouble and uncertainty that accompanied this trip. I've been telling people that I would refrain from getting excited until I was actually here, but now that I am, I need a pinch or something. The hotel I'm staying at has the most amazing view (hopefully I can post pictures soon).

This city is amazing. I don't even know how to begin to describe it. The limestone, the people, the food....

The battery is dying on my computer, so I guess this is all for now.

Here is the view from the hotel:


  1. Glad you made the taxi ride no problem. You're in ISRAEL!!! Remember all those papers you've written on Israel? Don't read articles on current events, watch TV!!! Live it up man!

  2. remember that one time you went to israel?

  3. DUDE. Dude.

    Where are you staying?

    Make sure you make it to the drum circle on Ben Yhuda street on Thursday night (zion square). Ask around for Kfir or Ariel, and tell them you know Kelie. They'll show you a good time.
